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ALCON Dailies AquaComfort PLUS Multifocal

每盒有30片鏡片 | 日棄 | ( 近視/老花)

購買 1 盒 HK$200/盒
購買 6 盒 HK$195/盒
購買 10 盒 HK$190/盒

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4盒以上免運費 信用咭免手續費 可貨到付款


ALCON Dailies AquaComfort Plus Multifocal
New Alcon Dailies AquaComfort PLUS Multifocal Disposable Presbyopic Contact Lenses
ALCON Dailies AquaComfort Plus Multifocal is equipped with a quasi-shift lens design to help see the distance, middle and short distances. Bring a clear vision for presbyopia
ALCON Dailies replaces new lenses every day. ``Blink Moisturizing Technology'' brings a full-day comfortable experience. Daily disposable presbyopic contact lenses, no need to wash or disinfect. Suitable for the following people with presbyopia (cannot see close things clearly) People with busy life often Travelers, sportsmen, instead of traditional reading glasses or bifocals, are a good choice for those who pursue convenience and flexibility.

Lens curvature 8.7
diameter 14.0mm
Water content 69%
Recommended wearing mode Daily abandoned
Package 30 tablets/ box
quantity 24 boxes/year
brand ALCON